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Livelihood for NGO is one of the important projects of the National Institute of Education and Development (NIED), which is known for addressing the challenges faced by tribal people for livelihood. This project helps the tribal people or the people living in villages to make a positive change in their life. Under this project, our NGO helps in giving a market base to the people with skills so that they sell their products. Say, for example, if a group of women are good in knitting the handmade bags, then our NGO help them to sell their products. They will give their skill the market where they can sell it and earn for their living. Our NGO will not help you in brushing up your expertise but they will assist you in making you earn a good amount of money from their skill.

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People living in slums or villages do not lack in skills, but since they don’t know how to make their skill to earn their living, they tend to give up on them. However, our NGO support people like these to earn a living from their skills. NIED has transformed the lives of many people by giving them hope where they can earn their livelihood with respect.

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  • Let NIED gives you the perfect opportunity to showcase and market your skills.
  • Don’t let your skills go waste and reach out to NIED for letting your skills to earn the livelihood.
  • If you have the skill then you can earn respect, love and livelihood for yourself.
  • No one can help you to develop your skill if you don’t have passion.
  • Let your skill help you to make your life better and earn money for living.
